So here it is:
So there is my fridg! the good, bad and the ugly!!!
( I think there may be 10 kinds of mustard!!!)
Above is my main pantry.. Mostly here I have Finishing Salts, Spices, Tomatoes, Rice Noodles and Rice, Peanut Butter, Gluten Free Flour Blends, and GASP-SUGAR!
Salt, Oils, Vinegars..... (above and below!)
and I also have an outside fridg--I keep lots of no-no's here, but I will show you anyways...
Lots of things we should not have, or at least not very often!!!
But alas, we are human, and I am still stuck on my Diet drinks!
So here I have diet drinks, and all my gluten free flours, few real cokes I keep for my father-in-law, and Beer...Usually gluten free, but hubbie does have real beer sometimes. Oh and sometimes alcohol-tequila, gin... and some bottled water. We usually avoid bottled water, but I bought some for an after soccer game team snack....
This is a freezer full of meat and frozen butter... Alls good here!!!
Looking good:) Can't wait to see you tomorrow-looking forward to hanging out:)